Sunday, November 22, 2009

Technological Savvy

My Technology Applications Inventory shows that I still have a long way to go to become technologically savvy. In the area of foundations I answered yes to 10 out of 18 of the foundation survey questions. I believe that this shows that I have some learning to do about the foundational systems of school technology. For Information Acquisition I answered yes to 4 out 10 of the survey questions. I realize that I still have quite a bit of information to learn. I answered yes to 9 out of 19 questions on the Solving Problems section of the survey. In this section I think that I can probably do more than I gave myself credit for, but I am unsure about some of the things the survey is referring to. For the Communication portion of the survey I answered yes to 7 out of 11 of the questions. This tells me that I am able to communicate through the use of technology fairly well.

The SETDA survey that was most appropriate for me was the teacher survey. The survey showed that my school has a lot of work to do to get where we need to be to meet the technology standards that have been put in place. I don’t see my district tracking the data in an effective way for teachers or students. We are, however, moving in the right direction, howbeit slowly. I believe that we have a ways to go to catch up with the ability levels of our students. Youth today are a lot more technology savvy than the teachers and administrators. Our students get the use of computers maybe once a week. We have computer class that the students rotate through every nine weeks for three weeks at time, if they are not in tutorials. We also have a mobile lab but there is only one and there are only enough lap tops for one class to use. We have also added Elmo’s, cows, calf’s and smart boards. Where all these things are wonderful there are not enough of them to go around. Every teacher does not have the opportunity to benefit from this technology on a daily basis. As a district we are making great strides but we still have a ways to go to meet the needs of our students.

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